Friday, April 10, 2009

So I set some goals for myself. Now to see if I can meet them!

So, I came to the conclusion the other day that I need to really buckle down and get my life in some semblance of order so I can have less stress. I decided the best way to do this was to make a list of goals and start with a few and add more and more on once I got into the swing of each new pattern. I've decided it'll be easier to start by adding one or two to my daily regimen and get comfortable with those and then add a few more. Here is my list of goals: 1. During the week, I want to wake up at 5 or 5:30 and workout for 1/2-1 hour. On Saturdays, I want to get up by 8 to do this. On Sundays, I'll take a break. 2. I want to cook dinner at least 5 days a week-to do this, I will make a menu and grocery list every weekend for the next week (thanks Erin for that great idea). By doing this, I will watch what I eat. 3. Keep the house clean and get organized. 4. Keep up on my daily skin care regimen that I love. 4. Keep up on the school work. 5. Redecorate the house ( I will post pics if I accomplish this!). There are a few more that tie into these. Hopefully by blogging about them, it will get me motivated to do them. Wish me luck.

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